Sunday, 15 March 2015

Elder Care Services, Pune

With the increasing number of elderly all around and India, we realized as youngsters we need to put our hands together and serve them. With this thought in mind we decided to work around their needs to bring more light into their lives. As Elder Care Specialists we provide COMPANIONSHIP, DEMENTIA CARE and HOME MANAGEMENT to the elderly in Pune. These services are home based.

We provide INTELLECTUAL COMPANIONSHIP which includes discussion on current affairs, world history, science and technology, politics and topics of the elderly's interests. We watch movies and go for outings together. We play indoor games and relive the elderly's hobbies.

In DEMENTIA CARE we provide cognitive stimulation and multi - sensory stimulation. We train the caregivers in dementia and try providing a support system for them.

We also help elderly in MANAGING HOMES, which can be stressful for them at some point. We assist them with their banking work, paying off salaries of the caregivers and paying bills.

You can also contact us on 07566065353 for more information about the services or join us on


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  3. Nice blog, Thanks for the posting we see tbe best Elderly care home in pune Elderly Care in Pune

  4. Hi

    Very inspiring blog, Youngstars need to support elders.

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